Category Archives: Uncategorized

All It Takes is Practice and Effort


I met the owners of a financial firm. They wanted to generate sales leads quickly and improve sales results.. Their theory was that once they were in front of a qualified prospect, making the sale was easy. The problem was generating qualified leads and converting those into appointments. So they hired a telemarketing firm to…

5 Qualities of A Good Teacher


Selling financial services (or any services) is hard work. Clients must trust you before they buy from you. In the past, the primary training model for many professions was the apprenticeship. By observing accomplished professionals and working with them, trainees would gain valuable knowledge and insights. An important part of the apprenticeship education was an…

The Power of Positioning


Your number one job as a financial service professional is to sell. The inability to do this effectively is the main reason why many professionals and firms do not reach their full potential. You need a system to attract a steady stream of prospective clients. This begins with positioning. To gain the attention and differentiate…

Four Things Prospects Want to Know


When you first  meet a prospective client who does not personally know you or your firm there are four questions usually on the top of their minds: Who are you? What do you do? What value do you bring? Who do you work with? Your marketing message must be able to answers these questions to…

The Power of 3


You are better off moving three things a mile, instead trying to move several things a few inches. In this episode I share how  to dramatically improve your business growth working from your comfort zone by focusing on three things. Listen here.

The one major reason why your business exists is to sell


The reality is that you are paid for persuading people to buy from you. You may understand the technical details of your product; you may know the sales process in depth; you may have mastered the finer details; you may have excellent work habits and time control. You may know and have all of these…

Creating Sales Plans That Deliver Results


June is the midway point in the calendar year. In the northern hemisphere it’s the start of summer and in the Southern hemisphere the start of winter. June is also the perfect time to review your sales plans, to start a new financial year, or to revise them, to finish the year strongly. To achieve…

Diversity and Inclusion It’s Not Optional


Diversity and inclusion are two words regularly mentioned and promoted by organisations of all shapes and sizes. For self-employed and sales people, diversity and inclusion is not optional. It’s mandatory to becoming a top producer. John Savage said “Serve the masses and eat with the classes” In this podcast episode, I share 7 tips on…

False Beliefs


The first sale is always to yourself. Your beliefs about your products, services and self-image really do matter. In this podcast I share the seven false beliefs that can stall your career and prevent you from reaching the top. Listen here

Checking Your Environment


Your business and personal environment has a major impact on your productivity, and they need to work in harmony to support your goals. In this episode, I provide some easy tips for mastering your environment and speeding up your growth. Listen here

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