July 11, 2023 Comments Closed

The Power of Positioning

Posted by:CLIFTON WARREN onJuly 11, 2023

Your number one job as a financial service professional is to sell. The inability to do this effectively is the main reason why many professionals and firms do not reach their full potential.

You need a system to attract a steady stream of prospective clients.

This begins with positioning. To gain the attention and differentiate yourself within your market. Good positioning helps to find the entrance point in the mind of prospective clients.

HC is a certified financial planner; she has built a successful business with over a $1 billion under management, making her the top financial advisor in Arizona. HC positions herself with a strong value statement:

“We consider wealth management to be a family undertaking that involves every member and believe that financial plans can only be successful when they reflect the family’s values, concerns, and aspirations.”

When you have a strong value statement, it answers the question:

“How can this person help me?”


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