Customised Learning Solutions: Tailored Workshops and Programs


A professional career doesn’t have a neutral gear. To help professionals continue to move forward and build their capabilities, I offer a variety of customized learning events in several formats.

I’ve designed each learning event to help attendees with innovative ways to grow their business, service clients, and create rewarding careers. I develop customized events for conferences, sales meetings, business planning meetings, and training sessions.

My program offerings are designed to be flexible, allowing you to select the sessions that best align with your firm’s priorities and business needs.

Whether your focus is on generating new business, improving sales productivity, or expanding niche markets, each program addresses specific challenges and equips your producers with the tools they need to achieve meaningful growth.

You have the option to choose individual programs or combine them for greater impact. This flexibility ensures that you receive training that is tailored precisely to your goals, allowing for more immediate and relevant outcomes.

Program 1: Blueprint for Producer Success: Achieving Growth with Strategic Planning

This program teaches producers how to set clear, actionable goals that drive income and client retention. Participants will learn how to identify high-value clients and create effective strategies for managing those relationships. With an emphasis on optimizing time and resources, the program provides a roadmap for securing new business, increasing sales opportunities, and tracking performance. By the end, producers will understand how to enhance client retention and build long-term revenue streams.

Program 2: Securing High-Value Client Meetings: Mastering Outreach and Conversion

This program is designed to help producers secure face-to-face meetings with potential clients, a critical step in establishing meaningful business relationships. Participants will learn effective strategies for crafting emails, making phone calls, and following up with prospects. The program also covers how to overcome common objections and re-engage prospects who may initially decline a meeting. By the end, participants will have a clear process for securing valuable client meetings and turning cold leads into warm opportunities.

Program 3: Conducting Successful Sales Meetings: Building Rapport and Closing Deals

In this program, producers will develop the skills to conduct effective sales meetings that build rapport and uncover client needs. Participants will learn how to ask the right questions, avoid common pitfalls, and present solutions that align with the client’s goals. The session also focuses on how to successfully close meetings, ensuring the next step is agreed upon and leaving a lasting positive impression on the prospect.

Program 4: Converting Prospects into Clients: Closing Techniques for Long-Term Success

This program equips producers with the techniques needed to close deals and convert prospects into clients. The session covers how to tailor recommendations to meet client needs and how to nurture prospects who aren’t ready to buy immediately. Producers will also learn strategies for maintaining a healthy sales pipeline, providing value to prospects before the sale, and knowing when to move on from non-productive leads. By the end of the program, participants will be able to close deals more effectively and generate long-term growth through repeat business and referrals.

Program 5: Time Mastery for Sales Producers: Maximizing Productivity and Reducing Stress

This program helps producers optimize their daily and weekly schedules, allowing them to focus on high-value activities that drive business growth. Participants will learn how to plan their ideal day and week, balancing time between client servicing and business development. The program also teaches techniques for managing stress and ensuring that both existing clients and new business opportunities receive the appropriate attention.

Program 6: Unlocking Referral Potential: Building a Sustainable Pipeline of New Business

Producers in this program will learn how to create a referral system that consistently generates new business from existing clients and professional networks. The session focuses on developing a referral network, engaging centers of influence, and building strong relationships that lead to ongoing introductions and referrals. Participants will also explore strategies for leveraging networking events to expand their business reach.

Program 7: Dominating Niche Markets: Strategies for Growth and Lead Generation

This program provides producers with the tools to identify and penetrate profitable niche markets. Participants will learn how to develop tailored value propositions for niche audiences and create effective marketing action plans that lead to new client meetings. The session also covers how to gain an insider’s understanding of the target niche, enabling producers to serve these markets more effectively and generate sustainable business growth.

Program 8: Cross-Selling Mastery: Driving Revenue Growth from Existing Clients

Producers will learn how to identify cross-selling opportunities within their existing client base and develop strategies to increase revenue. The program teaches participants how to build barriers to exit around key clients, ensuring client retention and long-term relationships. Additionally, producers will explore methods for creating a continuation process and capturing business held by competitors, driving increased profitability from their client portfolio.

Program 9: Digital Prospecting for Producers: Leveraging Social Media for Lead Generation

This program focuses on using digital tools such as LinkedIn and email marketing to generate leads and grow an online presence. Producers will learn best practices for building a professional LinkedIn profile, leveraging the platform for prospecting, and nurturing leads through email marketing campaigns. The session also covers how to increase visibility and credibility through social media, helping producers stand out in a competitive market.

Program 10: Developing Referral Networks: Cultivating Centers of Influence for High-Quality Leads

In this program, producers will learn how to build and maintain relationships with non-client referral sources such as accountants, lawyers, and other professionals. The session focuses on establishing a professional referral network, developing meaningful connections, and maintaining ongoing contact to cement these relationships. Producers will also learn what questions to ask during initial meetings to build trust and ensure consistent lead generation.

Program 11: Leading High-Performing Sales Teams: Creating Accountability and Driving Success

This program is designed for sales leaders who want to equip their teams for success. Participants will learn how to set clear expectations and create accountability structures to drive performance. The session includes coaching techniques for developing both new and experienced producers and how to measure the metrics that matter most. By setting clear goals and creating a culture of accountability, sales leaders will be able to motivate their teams and ensure long-term success.

Learning Formats

I offer flexible learning formats for every workshop to suit your team’s needs. Each workshop is available as an in-house workshop or webinar, providing you with the flexibility to choose the format that best fits your schedule and preferences.

Delivery Options

Program Bundles and Custom Packages

Workshop + Coaching Combos
Maximize your learning experience with a combination of in-house workshops and personalized coaching. Attend a live workshop, then follow up with one-on-one or small group coaching to address specific challenges and apply what you’ve learned.
Example: “Cross-Selling Mastery Workshop + Coaching: Increase Revenue from Existing Clients.”

Tailored Learning Experiences

Looking for a program designed just for you? I offer customized coaching and group facilitation sessions, tailored to your team’s goals and challenges. Whether it’s group coaching for your sales team or one-on-one executive coaching, I can create a solution that fits your needs.
Example: “Customized Leadership Coaching: Tailored Strategies for Your Sales Team’s Growth.”Our programs are available either in-house or remotely via webinars. This ensures that no matter your team’s location or schedule, you can access the training and support you need to drive growth and success.

My programs are available either in-house or remotely via webinars. This ensures that no matter your team’s location or schedule, you can access the training and support you need to drive growth and success.

Ready to Accelerate Your Success?

Contact me today to explore our flexible learning options and choose the format that best suits your business goals.

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