
Niche Marketing: 7 Ways to Expand Your Marketplace and Drive Growth


Is yours one of the many financial services businesses that try to be all things to all people? Or are you perhaps looking for a better way to invest your time, resources and marketing dollars? Niche, or specialist, marketing offers a better approach for financial service businesses looking for proven ways to attract new clients…

Sales Plans: How to Prepare Them and How to Profit From Them


  In a new webinar on October 6, Clifton Warren will walk participants through the fundamentals of developing and executing sales plans to achieve effortless organic growth. Register For Our Free Webinar You will learn:  6 step framework for developing an effective sale plan How to convert plans into measurable goals Key sales metrics to monitor…

Prospecting Your Biggest Headache or Greatest Opportunity?


“You earn 90% of your commission for finding the person and 10% commission for selling them.” Walter J. Shields Prospecting for new business is a never-ending job, the lifeblood of any successful business. You may be able to delegate other activities but not prospecting. Prospecting is the most important part of the sales process. Depending…

Niche Marketing: 7 Ways to Expand Your Market


Are you looking for a better way to invest your time, resources and marketing dollars? Niche marketing offers a better approach for financial service firms looking for proven ways to attract new clients and increase revenues. Niche marketing permits even small players to become dominant players in their chosen markets– even against large competitors! Here are…

3 Methods Top Sales Leaders Use to Drive Sales Growth


Successful sales leaders understand that the quality of their producers (those responsible for acquiring new clients and retaining existing ones) are the face of the business to clients and prospects and the only real differentiator in the marketplace. Successful sales leaders focus on two objectives, improving retention rates and boosting new business performance. Here are…

Activity Equals Results


The #1 cause of poor performance and results is poor activity. Top performers spend 70% of their available time on sales-related activities – which means soliciting for new business and servicing their category A and B clients. Average performers, on the other hand, do just the reverse. They spend 80% of their time on low…

How Top Performers Spend Their Time


A study of top performers showed they spend 70% of their available time on sales related activities as follows: 32% Soliciting new business 43% Servicing existing clients 8% Professional development and training 16% Administration and management Average performers, spend less than 30% of their available time on sales related activities and up to 70% on…

One Skill Every Professional Should Master


I was recently interviewed by MFAA magazine on the importance of cold calling and why every professional should master this classic business development technique. Read it here  

15 Proven Ideas for Filling Your Sales Pipeline Quickly


  Your sales pipeline of prospects is one of the most important metrics to track and monitor. A strong pipeline filled with quality prospects is a clear indicator of your business success in the comings months. Clifton Warren will guide you through 15 proven yet overlooked ways to build and maintain a sales pipeline filled with…

How Did You Get That Lead?


Generating high-quality leads will always be a high priority for professionals. Top performers learn and develop good prospecting habits early in their careers. Average performers, often rely on third party sources for their lead generation.  A survey of several hundred professionals revealed the most effective lead generation methods: Networking Online Telemarketing Direct marketing Traditional advertising…

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