November 2, 2017 Comments Closed

How to Eliminate Ready, Aim, Aim and Aim Syndrome

Posted by:CLIFTON WARREN onNovember 2, 2017

“I’ve discovered that the failure of strategies is most often not the result of poorly conceived strategies but rather the result of poor implementation.”

Alan Weiss

I recently received a phone call from the director of a mid-size financial services firm who was frustrated with the low growth performance of her business. “Every year we spend several weeks preparing our strategy and plans, yet nothing changes,” she complained.

This is called Ready, Aim, Aim and Aim syndrome – always aiming and never pulling the trigger. The strategy is often fine, it’s usually the tactics and lack of action that’s the problem.

Here are four excellent marketing action tactics top professionals use to build and maintain an overflowing sales pipeline:

1. Client appreciation event

This is a fun event that’s focused on the interests of your best clients. Options can include golfing, fishing and cooking, among others. Invite your top 20% clients and key influencers and ask them to bring a business associate. Conducting this type of event once a quarter is an easy way to expand your network and meet prospective clients.

2. Client advisory board

This makes your best clients and influencers part of your new business acquisition process. Identify 8-10 top clients and invite them to become a member. Conduct advisory board meetings twice a year with the same group of clients. This is an excellent way to solicit referrals, obtain valuable feedback on your marketing efforts and build stronger client relationships.

3. Lunch and learns

A non-threatening way for clients to introduce you to people they think you should know. Invite 6 top clients, and tailor the topic to their interests. This might include launching a new product or service, or discussion of trends and analysis. Using an external speaker to present your topic works well. Ask each client to bring along a guest and aim for at least 6 existing top clients and 2 to 3 prospective clients. Conducting lunch and learns monthly is a great way to educate clients and explore additional opportunities to add value to them.

4. Unique events

This is a superb technique for prospects in your sales pipeline. The goal is to create a memorable and unique experience. Options can include wine tasting, beer tasting, attending an art show, and so on. Conduct these events once a quarter, inviting prospects and clients and encouraging them to bring along a guest.

To put these tactics into action all you need is some good clients and influencers who appreciate your work and expertise. Don’t forget to follow up on all introductions and leads that you receive.

The best way to eliminate Ready, Aim, Aim and Aim syndrome is to just take action. Take a shot with these four tactics, and even if you screw it up at first, stick with it. At the very least, you will be moving in the right direction.

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