June 4, 2023 Comments Closed

Creating Sales Plans That Deliver Results


June is the midway point in the calendar year. In the northern hemisphere it’s the start of summer and in the Southern hemisphere the start of winter. June is also the perfect time to review your sales plans, to start a new financial year, or to revise them, to finish the year strongly. To achieve…

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May 29, 2023 Comments Closed

Selling With Ideas


Idea is a clean four letter word that arouses curiosity to help you open doors and close sales. In this episode I discuss how to find and profit from your ideas. Listen here.

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May 23, 2023 Comments Closed

Learning What You Need to Know


Everything you need to know about sales and marketing is learnable. In this episode I share tips on how can prioritise your sales learning and maximise your success. Listen here.

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May 17, 2023 Comments Closed

Staying in The Moment


Top producers understand the key to success is 1% inspiration and 99% preparation. In this episode, I share ideas on how you can be better prepared for staying in the movement, to handle the unexpected and capitalise on new opportunities. Listen here.

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May 9, 2023 Comments Closed

Diversity and Inclusion It’s Not Optional


Diversity and inclusion are two words regularly mentioned and promoted by organisations of all shapes and sizes. For self-employed and sales people, diversity and inclusion is not optional. It’s mandatory to becoming a top producer. John Savage said “Serve the masses and eat with the classes” In this podcast episode, I share 7 tips on…

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May 4, 2023 Comments Closed

Leveraging Social Media


Imagine approaching one of your clients and asking him whether you could spend some time alone looking through the personal contacts on his computer and then ask him questions about the people you’d like to learn more about. In the past, this was not possible, and it was certainly unacceptable. Now, however, through social media…

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April 26, 2023 Comments Closed

Clients Have a Choice


Your clients have three choices, to buy from you, buy from a competitor or do nothing. In this episode I share tips on how to remain relevant with your top clients to gain 100% share of their business. Listen here

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April 17, 2023 Comments Closed

False Beliefs


The first sale is always to yourself. Your beliefs about your products, services and self-image really do matter. In this podcast I share the seven false beliefs that can stall your career and prevent you from reaching the top. Listen here

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April 10, 2023 Comments Closed

Checking Your Environment


Your business and personal environment has a major impact on your productivity, and they need to work in harmony to support your goals. In this episode, I provide some easy tips for mastering your environment and speeding up your growth. Listen here

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April 3, 2023 Comments Closed

Sales Mastery


Several years ago, while living in New Zealand, I took up fly-fishing. I took casting lessons to learn the basics, and purchased all the right gear, including rod, reels and waders. For one solid year, I didn’t catch a single fish. I was getting bored and impatient. It would have been very easy to give…

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