July 13, 2023 Comments Closed

Keeping Your Sales Pipeline Flowing


A good sales pipeline should continually flow with new and closed opportunities. In the episode I discuss three action you should do every week to convert your pipeline opportunities into new business revenue. Listen here.

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July 11, 2023 Comments Closed

The Power of Positioning


Your number one job as a financial service professional is to sell. The inability to do this effectively is the main reason why many professionals and firms do not reach their full potential. You need a system to attract a steady stream of prospective clients. This begins with positioning. To gain the attention and differentiate…

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July 6, 2023 Comments Closed

Four Things Prospects Want to Know


When you first  meet a prospective client who does not personally know you or your firm there are four questions usually on the top of their minds: Who are you? What do you do? What value do you bring? Who do you work with? Your marketing message must be able to answers these questions to…

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July 6, 2023 Comments Closed

Personal Planning for Better Performance


Little plans lack the magic to stir the blood to you going. Top performers build roadmaps to help them navigate and stay on course. In this episode I discuss how to build a roadmap to turn your plans into reality. Listen here.

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July 2, 2023 Comments Closed

No One is Born to Sell


Everybody is a salesperson. At some point, we all must persuade others that the products or services we can provide will lead to a better life. This goes for anyone who earns money: from carpenters and doctors to teachers and engineers. Selling for a living is an honourable and respectable occupation that plays a significant…

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June 27, 2023 Comments Closed

The Power of 3


You are better off moving three things a mile, instead trying to move several things a few inches. In this episode I share how  to dramatically improve your business growth working from your comfort zone by focusing on three things. Listen here.

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June 21, 2023 Comments Closed

Dress for success: Elevate Your Professional Image and Maximise your sales growth


You only get one chance to make a first impression. In this episode I provides tips for men and women to make sure your appearance is working for you. Listen here.

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June 14, 2023 Comments Closed

The one major reason why your business exists is to sell


The reality is that you are paid for persuading people to buy from you. You may understand the technical details of your product; you may know the sales process in depth; you may have mastered the finer details; you may have excellent work habits and time control. You may know and have all of these…

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June 14, 2023 Comments Closed


It’s important that you take time out to engage in hobbies, pastimes and pursuits to recharge your batteries and to stay sharp for your clients. In this episode I provide some tips on creating a win win for you and your clients. Listen here.

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June 8, 2023 Comments Closed

Stacking The Odds In Your Favour


In this podcast episode I share 7 techniques to help you stack the odds in your favour and dramatically improve your growth results. Listen here.  

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