How to Attract High Quality Prospects

Posted by:admin onJuly 8, 2015

Have your previous marketing efforts have been filled with good intentions, but are delivering little tangible results?

Finding, attracting and acquiring new business is still one of the toughest challenges for any financial services professional.

Even experienced professionals who’ve grown their business organically (via referrals, word of mouth and personal contacts) are finding new business development difficult in today’s competitive market.

I’d like to show you a simple 7-step process that anyone can follow to attract more and better clients with less effort:

Step 1: Focus on a niche market

Focusing on a market niche is one of the most important strategic decisions that you can make regarding the growth of your business.

 Step 2: Identify the frustrations and problems in which you have a solution

After you have selected a market focus the next step is learn as much as possible about the challenges, problems and hot-button issues that prospective clients are dealing with.

Step 3: Build a list of high quality prospects

Create a target list of prospects that you would like to have as clients that fit your deal client profile. When building your list, quality trumps quantity.

You are much better off with 50 good names that you’ve sourced than to randomly compiling a list of 10,000 names.

Step 4: Create a compelling value statement that positions your Business

Your goal is to be seen as someone special.

A value statement answers the question ”What you do” and positions your business in the minds of a prospective client. It’s how you differentiate your business from your competition.

Step 5: Create an information piece that addresses you’re prospects need or problem

Put your value statement to work by creating an information piece, this is usually in the form of a special report but can be created in a variety of formats as well, including:

  •  Workbooks
  •  Checklist
  • How-to-Guides

 Step 6: Employ high impact prospecting techniques to generate leads

Prospecting is not just about generating the most leads possible, it’s also about quality. Your goal is to turn the prospects on your list into leads. Attract prospects using the information piece you’ve created.

You can’t acquire a client until you have lead. Top professionals adopt a variety of prospecting tactics that produced the best results for their time and money invested.

I like lead generation methods that are:

  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Can be customised
  • Can be controlled as to timing and content
  • Enhance a desired image

 Step 7: Follow up and convert your leads into opportunities

Prospecting is just one step in the process; the next is to convert prospects into Opportunities.  A prospect must become a lead before it can become an opportunity.

You must continually move prospects along your pipeline; however you cannot move someone in your pipeline if you don’t follow up. A lead can only become an opportunity when you’ve had an opportunity to present your services.

If you work on just one step a day in just 7 days you’ll have a marketing system in place to help you attract more clients with less effort.

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