Category Archives: Sales Leadership

Master Your Sales Meetings: 10 Steps to Drive Results and Boost Productivity


Are you struggling to make your sales meetings effective? Sales meetings, when conducted effectively, can build a culture of accountability, skyrocket your team’s productivity, and keep your business on track to achieve your growth objectives. Here’s how to make every minute count: 1. Schedule regular meetings and appoint a rotating chairperson to ensure each session…

Yellow and Red Alerts


There must be some reason certain firms generate achieve better organic growth than others. Said another way, if two equally skilled firms compete, then why does one produce double digit growth and the other negative growth? The answer: pro-active management of red and yellow alerts leads to growth. To help my clients improve their sales…

It’s All About the Results


A client asked me an interesting question the other day:  ‘What is the secret that enables some firms to produce superior organic growth results consistently, while others seem to struggle?’ In my experience, it’s all about the having the right objectives – about having in mind a precise number for surpassing the previous year’s results…

Six Numeric Elements of Selling for Top Professionals


As markets and economies begin to reopen after the pandemic the future looks bright for well-trained professionals. Your clients and prospective clients will need your products and services, and your help and advice. Top professionals have continued to do well because they understand an important concept: products do not sell themselves; salespeople sell them. And,…

Do Not Enter: What Every Professional Needs to Know about Zones


When professionals are performing at their best, they are happy and excited because they are doing a task skilfully and easily; in other words, they are operating in ‘the zone’. When you think about your job, how often do you think in terms of your role, skills and competencies? Although these things are important in…

Five Business Goals You Should Set and Track 


Most businesses understand and appreciate the importance of goal setting and planning. Unfortunately, many interpret this as little more than reviewing the previous year’s results and projecting forward into next year. Everything has changed While there’s appears to be light at the end of the tunnel, business for many won’t ever be quite the same….

9 Warning Signs That Every Sales Leader Should Know


It’s often said that great athletes don’t always make the best coaches and managers. They know what to do, but they cannot communicate how to do it. I often see this in small- to mid-sized financial services firms. The owners, partners or directors, who are effective sales professionals in their own right, are having difficulty…

The Quick and Easy Way to Boost Your New Business Performance

Posted by:admin

  If you’re like a lot of professionals I see, then you are probably looking for some quick and easy ways to boost your new business performance.   If you’ve never tried this before, then it might seem difficult, if not impossible. And if your time and resources are already limited, then you know only…

3 Methods Top Sales Leaders Use to Drive Sales Growth


Successful sales leaders understand that the quality of their producers (those responsible for acquiring new clients and retaining existing ones) are the face of the business to clients and prospects and the only real differentiator in the marketplace. Successful sales leaders focus on two objectives, improving retention rates and boosting new business performance. Here are…

Activity Equals Results


The #1 cause of poor performance and results is poor activity. Top performers spend 70% of their available time on sales-related activities – which means soliciting for new business and servicing their category A and B clients. Average performers, on the other hand, do just the reverse. They spend 80% of their time on low…

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