September 10, 2017 Comments Closed

3 Methods Top Sales Leaders Use to Drive Sales Growth

Posted by:CLIFTON WARREN onSeptember 10, 2017

Successful sales leaders understand that the quality of their producers (those responsible for acquiring new clients and retaining existing ones) are the face of the business to clients and prospects and the only real differentiator in the marketplace.

Successful sales leaders focus on two objectives, improving retention rates and boosting new business performance. Here are three methods they use to out-maneuver their competitors and drive sales growth:

  1. Creating a culture of accountability. They begin by determining what their producers are going to be accountable for, develop business development strategies and specific goals.
  2.  Providing the right tools. Proving quality support, resources and tools to enable producers to focus most of their time on writing quality new business and retain existing clients.
  3. Developing new sales talent. Identifying, developing and retaining new sales talent to produce prolong organic growth for the business

If you commit to improving your sales leadership performance in each of these three areas by just one percent per-month, within 12 months you will be 30% better, and out-maneuvering your competitors producing superior results.


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