December 13, 2017 Comments Closed

3 Secrets of Effective Content Marketing

Posted by:admin onDecember 13, 2017


The Content Marketing Institute has just released a new research report “Content Marketing in Australia 2018: Benchmarks, Budgets and, Trends.” The article entitled: “Beyond the Build What Content Market Australia Must Do Next” provides three important lessons for financial services professionals:

1. Focus on the needs of your audiences. Instead of promoting your products and services, provide valuable information that addresses the needs and wants of your audience (clients and prospects) to engage them.

2. Deliver your content consistently. It can be a struggle to create and deliver content on a regular basis for a variety of reasons. But consistently builds expectations, start with something that is easy to manage such as one blog post per-month. Just be sure to release it the same time every month.

3. Focus on fact-based credible content. Ensure that all of your content is truthful, carefully check your information sources, not doing so can hurt your credibility.

When done well content marketing will help you to build a strong sales pipeline, retain your top clients, and drive organic growth.

To learn more, check out Content Marketing in Australia 2018 full report and Financial Services Sales Handbook.



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