July 30, 2018 Comments Closed

9 Pieces Of Marketing Material Every Professional Should Have

Posted by:admin onJuly 30, 2018

The purpose of having marketing materials is to package your expertise, to help sell to a prospective client, and to sell yourself.
A growing problem for many financial services professionals is the poor standard of their written marketing materials (including brochures and websites). This makes it difficult for them to differentiate their services and acquire, retain and develop their clients.
When prospective clients read your marketing materials they continually ask themselves, “What’s in it for me?”
To provide the answer to this important question, here are nine pieces of marketing material you should have for your business.
1. The clients you work with
Tell your prospective clients:
  • Why they need your services.
  • Who your services are for – “The clients we work tend to be …. in the  …. industry”
  • What their problems are – “Our services are designed for …. who need ….”
  • About your ideal client – “Clients will be most successful if they have ….”
2. Your approach
Explain your philosophy, and the concepts that set you apart from others.
3. Your services
Present the tangible features and benefits of each of your services, using the following guidelines:
  • Give the title of your service or process
  • Outline the problems the service addresses
  • Outline the reason for the service
  • Explain how the service is structured
  • Provide a call to action, to let clients know what they need to do to learn more
4. List of clients
Prepare a page that lists your current and past clients, or the industries and markets you serve.
5. Case studies
Explain where you started and what you’ve achieved; include bottom line results.
6. Testimonials
Include these to add credibility to your marketing materials.
7. Your background
Outline the following:
  • Your accomplishments
  • Results you have achieved
  • Awards, articles, media coverage
  • Education, degrees and honours
8. Call-to-Action
Make prospective clients feel comfortable about taking the first step
9. Service packages
Organise your services into digestible pieces, to make them easier to understand.
Each of these 9 areas should be part of your website navigation. Begin work on your marketing materials today, focusing on them one by one. It will take some time and effort, but it will be worth it.
If you follow these tips, your will have a website and marketing materials that uniquely package your expertise, capabilities, passion and wisdom. It will improve your marketing strategy and, of course, produce superior results!

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