Category Archives: Uncategorized

My 10 favorite non-fiction books 2017


      My reading in 2017 has helped me make (a little) sense of the world this year. Here are my 10 favorite non-fiction books, in alphabetical order by author. Mortimer J. Adler, How to Read a Book Originally published in 1940,  readers will learn when and how to “judge a book by its…

Prospecting Your Biggest Headache or Greatest Opportunity?


“You earn 90% of your commission for finding the person and 10% commission for selling them.” Walter J. Shields Prospecting for new business is a never-ending job, the lifeblood of any successful business. You may be able to delegate other activities but not prospecting. Prospecting is the most important part of the sales process. Depending…

One Skill Every Professional Should Master


I was recently interviewed by MFAA magazine on the importance of cold calling and why every professional should master this classic business development technique. Read it here  

15 Proven Ideas for Filling Your Sales Pipeline Quickly


  Your sales pipeline of prospects is one of the most important metrics to track and monitor. A strong pipeline filled with quality prospects is a clear indicator of your business success in the comings months. Clifton Warren will guide you through 15 proven yet overlooked ways to build and maintain a sales pipeline filled with…

New Book


My new book “Cross-Selling Financial Services: A Professionals Guide to Account Development” published by Business Expert Press, will be released in mid-November.

Nine Factors That Can Affect Your Bottom Line

Posted by:admin

It’s often said that great athletes don’t always make the best coaches and managers. They know what to do, but they cannot communicate how to do it. I often see this in small- to mid-sized financial services firms. The owners, partners or directors, who are effective sales professionals in their own right, are having difficulty…

There Are No Shortcuts: You Can’t Outsource Your Marketing

Posted by:admin

Recently, I met the owners of a mid-sized financial services firm, who were looking for a quick way to generate sales leads to fill their sales pipeline and improve overall sales results. Their theory was that once they were in front of a qualified prospect, making the sale was easy. The problem was generating qualified…

Posted by:admin

The other day a client asked an interesting question, “Why is one firm able to produce superior growth and the others don’t?” It’s been my experience that the answer hinges on organic growth While on the surface this may appear deceptively straightforward, implementing a process for producing superior growth is anything but simplistic. That’s why…

Using Niche Marketing to Produce Superior Growth

Posted by:admin

What is a niche market and why do you need one? The key to delivering superior growth performance is for your business to be seen and positioned as something different and better than your competitors. You cannot be all things to all people; therefore, niche marketing is one of most important strategic decisions that you…

 The 80% Solution to Growing Your Business

Posted by:admin

The late Ben Feldman is regarded as one of the best financial services sales professionals ever.  He was based in East Liverpool, Ohio, population 13,000. At his peak he sold more life insurance by himself than 1,000 life insurance companies in the United States. How did he do it? Ben kept it simple. First, he…

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