Category Archives: Sales Leadership

3 Methods Top Sales Leaders Use to Drive Sales Growth


Successful sales leaders understand that the quality of their producers (those responsible for acquiring new clients and retaining existing ones) are the face of the business to clients and prospects and the only real differentiator in the marketplace. Successful sales leaders focus on two objectives, improving retention rates and boosting new business performance. Here are…

Activity Equals Results


The #1 cause of poor performance and results is poor activity. Top performers spend 70% of their available time on sales-related activities – which means soliciting for new business and servicing their category A and B clients. Average performers, on the other hand, do just the reverse. They spend 80% of their time on low…

What’s Your Growth Story?

Posted by:admin

In my experience, I’ve found that most plans fail due to poor implementation rather than poor development. A major cause is a lack of understanding of the current state of play; this results in developing plans that are simply based on the previous results and producing the wrong plan at the wrong time and place….

The Myth of the Millennium Producer

Posted by:admin

What’s the best way to develop millenniums into top producers? By holding them accountable. The last eight to ten years have been challenging times for the financial services industry; however, despite these challenges, many firms have been enjoying superior growth performance. I know of several businesses that consistently produce double-digit growth. What is the major…

Dispelling the Myth of the Natural-Born Salesperson

Posted by:admin

“ Product knowledge accounts for 5% of success, and knowledge of people accounts for 95%. If you can get an A in product knowledge but know nothing about relating to individuals, you will fail.” John Savage Did you know that everybody is a salesperson in the sense that we must persuade others of the idea…

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