April 9, 2020 | Comments Closed |
The assistance package announced by the major Australian insurers to assist SME customers impacted by COVID 19 will impact your revenue and cash flow.
The finer details are still being ironed out between the brokering industry, insures, and regulators.
However, there several pro-active things you can and should be doing today to help protect your business.
Take charge of your client conversations
Pro-active action items:
Identify and make a list of your top 20% of clients that generate 80% of your revenues.
Contact each of your top clients (meet with the decision-maker) via telephone or even better virtually with Skype, Zoom, or Facetime.
Ask: “What can I do help?”
Offer assistance:
Reducing cost
Reviewing risk profile
Provided updates on insurance issues
Be a sounding board
Provide alternatives
Maintain regular contact – it’s better to error on the side of over-communication.
You should own your client relationship and be their trusted advisor. In the end, if your client does require support from the insurance carrier at least they are doing so whilst working in partnership with you.
Remember -you still own the relationship!