Are you struggling with low organic growth?
Are you frustrated with the productivity of your producers?
Are you ready to discover how to improve your business results?
If you’re like most of my clients, you already have a strong track record of success but, for whatever reason, you currently find yourself feeling stuck, and facing significant growth challenges that you don’t quite know how to overcome.
Whatever your specific circumstances, you feel a sense of urgency about changing things. You know that if you continue as is, you’ll probably continue to achieve similar results. You’re invested in making a difference, and you’re not willing to coast.
I’ve helped companies dramatically increase their sales, buy focusing on these three key areas:
As a result of these initiatives, your organization will experience… A dramatic improvement in your sales a result of having an overflowing sales pipeline and a results-oriented sales team.
The ultimate client experience for your top clients, achieve 100% retention of your desirable clients, and have 80% of your new business generated from referrals that are clones of your best clients.
The clarity, confidence and capabilities to design the future for your business, and feel absolutely sure about where you are going and how you will get there.
Vertical Acceleration is a comprehensive and customised 6-month sales and marketing program that is focused specifically on you and built to meet your specific challenges and goals. It is designed to create and execute the ultimate marketing strategy to help you expand and grow your business vertically by replicating and leveraging your top clients.
The goal of this program is to improve the effectiveness and profitability of your business, with objectives in five strategic areas:
The Vertical Acceleration Program is a one-on-one consultation program. It is specifically for owners and leaders of financial services businesses who want to explore new thinking about the strategic and tactical issues they face in their day-to-day challenges, and to create a clear path to more sales, better retention and higher earnings.
The flexible and customised design of the program provides an easy pathway for you to focus on your business, and to work on it, not just in it. It will help you achieve a wide range of effective sales and marketing objectives.
If you do the work I ask you to do (exercises, observations, practices, etc.), I guarantee you will see results in line with your agreed goals. If not, I will continue to work with you, at no additional charge, until you achieve the results you want.
If you think the Vertical Accelerator Program might be for you, contact me at to set up a no-obligation strategy discussion. You can find out more about the program and whether it’s a good fit for you.